Listening is defined as a combination of what we hear and what we understand , and what we remember
Nature and Process of Listening
- Reception of Sound – listening is a complex process involving many different elements
- Recognition – as we hear the sound , we make associations in our minds .
- Meaning Giving - giving meaning to the sound you have heard and recognized .
Stages of Listening
- Attention Factor
- Auditory Discrimination
- Listening Comprehension
Levels of listening
1. Appreciative – for pleasure
- it involves action – reaction form situation
2. Discriminatory or Critical Listening – for analysis and organization
3. Evaluative or Selective – concentration on one auditory cue for the source . The listener conceptualizes , understands and makes a value judgment .
4. Implied – for hidden messages
5. Internal – for private thoughts
Vowel sound – is a speech sound that is produced through an open throat and mouth passage without any hindrance or obstruction
Consonant sound – is one that is pronounced with a certain degree of obstruction and restriction at the lips , inside the mouth and in the throat
Diphthongs – is a combination of two vowel sounds glide in one syllable
Areas of Phonetics
- Articulatory - studies the production of sound in the vocal tract
- Auditory - the perception of speech sound by the hearer
- Acoustics - studies the speech sound as a physical event in the atmosphere
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